How to Soften and Loosen Clay Soil

If the earth on your property is sticky and thick then you have clay soil. Clay soil is high in nutrients such as calcium, potassium and magnesium. However, the thick nature of clay soil makes it difficult for plants such as grass to develop healthy roots. It may also harden, making it difficult for water Read more…

What Type of Soil Do I Have?

Soil is the foundation for your entire lawn. Your flowers, plants, grasses and more all rely on resting in the right mix. Knowing what type of soil you have — as well as common soil types and their characteristics — will help any amateur gardener or landscaper get the gorgeous yields they’re looking for. Wondering Read more…

How to Test Your Soil and Why

Why Test Lawn Soil? The first step to a healthy lawn routine is understanding what your lawn soil is made of. All soils pose their own challenges. A lawn soil test will also indicate your soil’s current pH, macronutrients, and micronutrients that naturally exist in your lawn. Having this unique baseline data will tell you Read more…

Work on the Down Low to Improve What’s on Top

Horticulturists agree that time spent improving what is happening below the surface of a lawn greatly reduces the time needed to maintain what is on top of it.  The ideal soil for grass meets five requirements: 1) it is slightly acidic; 2) it contains an adequate supply of nutrients; 3) it allows for deep root Read more…

A Comprehensive Guide to Planting a Lawn

There are four ways to plant grass: sod, seed, sprigs, and plugs. A common point of conflict is this question: “What’s the best way to plant grass?”. The answer is simple. The best way to plant grass depends on your budget and your project requirements. No matter your method of choice, in this article, you’ll Read more…

6 Steps to Plant a New Lawn Successfully

Planting a new lawn is a big job; it may be best to tackle the project in sections. You can begin this process by redoing the worst or most visible lawn areas, and then make plans to tackle the remaining areas the following year. Starting with smaller sections instead of the entire lawn keeps the job Read more…

Adding Nutrients to Your Soil

Use a slow-release fertilizer, and avoid putting down more fertilizer than you need. Adding too much nitrogen can cause rapid growth and a thinning of plant cell walls, which makes grass more susceptible to disease. The excess fertilizer may also leach and eventually find its way into waterways, polluting them. Tested Soil When restoring a lawn, apply Read more…

What is Soil Amendment for Lawns

Adding a soil amendment, also called a soil conditioner, helps improve lawn—and other plants—growth and health. The type of amendments that need to be added depend on the current soil composition, the climate and the type of grass. Some of the various amendments include: Lime (makes soil less acidic) Fertilizers for plant nutrients (i.e. manure, Read more…

Adjusting Your Soil’s pH Balance

It is best to test your own soil, or obtain test results from a professional testing service, before applying any amendments. If your soil test shows that the soil pH is low, add lime according to the test recommendations.  If you did your own pH test, see the table to determine how much lime to Read more…

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